A Simple, Profound Truth: God Made Us All Homeschooling parents have daily opportunities to teach their children a crucial concept that the citizens of the world desperately need. Each person needs to know the simple—and profound—truth that “...
An Honest View of History History has many beautiful stories. People have done many things right, but we have certainly not done everything right. In my history writing for children, I like to emphasize the wonderful things th...
Are You Afraid to Homeschool? I once met a homeschooling mama who was about 40 years old. She had taken good care of her health and exercised regularly. However, a few months before she had been in the middle of an ugly conflict i...
But...What About Socialization? On a recent Saturday night Ray and I visited friends we have known for more than twenty years (I’ll call them Matt and Tina). Their younger daughter (I’ll call her Jenny) is active in a vibrant campus...
Focusing on Forever Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you and your children had the time and freedom to focus on the eternal instead of cramming for Monday’s test? As a home educator, you can choose your child’s academic resou...
Helping Your Children See God's Hand in the World Homeschooling parents have the opportunity to use the created world around us to teach children about God. Romans 1:20 says that God’s creation reveals His eternal power and divine nature to us. For s...
History of Notgrass History Our family publishing company, Notgrass History, publishes history from a Christian worldview. However, we didn’t actually start our company to write history curriculum. We intended to produce Bible c...
Homeschooling Like Theodore & Mittie "I left college and entered the big world owing more than I can express to the training I had received, especially in my own home, but with much else also to learn if I were to become really fitted to...
Imagine Your Children Imagine your children overflowing with love for God and for other people. Imagine them having all the knowledge they need and all the discernment they need. Imagine them discovering what is excellent....
Learning Challenges No One Ever Knew A mama once called to talk about her daughter with learning challenges. She was in 7th grade, as I recall, and her co-op was about to study something her mama was afraid might be too difficult for her...
Lord, Help Me Put First Things First 1. Help me stop worrying and trust Your promises. 2. Help me trust that You knew what You were doing when You made me my children's mama. 3. Help me homeschool with eternity in mind. 4. Help me let Yo...
Rising Above the Culture People often ask questions like this: "What are they teaching kids in schools these days?" Many people wonder about the overt messages and the hidden messages in educational materials from digital to ...