Mothers of Grace: The Comparison Game When I was in second grade, my parents entered me in a beauty contest. Mother gathered layers of baby blue tulle onto a satin bodice to create my first evening gown. She curled my hair with skinny rub...
Not All Knowledge is Created Equal When we share knowledge with children, we have the wonderful opportunity to make sure it is knowledge worth sharing. We learn in Philippians 4:8: Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honor...
Nourishing Creativity in Your Children I had a realization one time when I walked into Hobby Lobby. On that particular visit, as my Mother used to say, you couldn’t “stir ’em with a stick” (is that a Southernism or does everyone say that?)...
Our Children Are Counting on Us Our children are counting on us to do what Ephesians 6:4 teaches us: ” . . . bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. ” Our children are counting on us to provide a childhood they ...
Practical Advice for Teaching Reluctant Writers Our Mary Evelyn is an excellent writer, but that wasn't always the case. The process of Mary Evelyn going from brand new homeschool student to writer was not a smooth one, at least not in the eyes of ...
Preparing the Next Generations with the Treasures of the Truth Recently Ray read a short passage to me out of a geography encyclopedia compiled by a well-respected scientific organization, published by a well-respected publisher. This isn’t a curriculum book but ...
Raising a Generation Who Knows the Lord One of the blessings of working with our Notgrass team is the opportunity to talk about the most important things. One day I spent hours on Zoom with our videographer, Titus. As we discussed the messa...
Reasons Kids Should Read Books "I conceive the knowledge of books is the basis upon which other knowledge is to be built." - George Washington The Good Things Books fire the imagination. Books give children a wider world and an opp...
Rising Above the Culture People often ask questions like this: "What are they teaching kids in schools these days?" Many people wonder about the overt messages and the hidden messages in educational materials from digital to ...
Should We Homeschool? Back in 1990, Ray and I struggled month after month. We had an important decision to make. We wondered: "Should we homeschool? Are the problems we are seeing in public school bad enough that we should...
Should my child start high school early? One issue that mamas bring up over and over again is about students starting high school classes early, while they are still in junior high. My answer to that question is different today than it would...
Simple Pleasures My mother lived with us for the last few years of her life, but when she was still able to live in her own home, she and I used to talk on the phone each night. She enjoyed hearing about my day. Once ...