The purpose of education is to prepare children for life, but that doesn’t mean that life has to be put on hold while you do. Give yourself permission to do these ten things to keep your homeschooling focused on your family.
1. Do what you really believe is best for your children — even if everyone else is doing x, y, or z.
2. Include time in your schedule for sitting on the couch in your own home with your children gathered around you.
3. Choose what is tugging at your heart, instead of what is screaming in your ear.
4. Schedule fewer activities when you start to feel more like a chauffeur than a mama.
5. Give your husband more of you than you felt you had time for last year.
6. Trust God and don’t let fear control your decisions.
7. Believe that God wouldn’t have given you your children to teach if He hadn’t thought you could do it.
8. Make decisions that draw your family closer and bring peace to your home.
9. Give your children time to become closer to each other and to you and their daddy than to their friends.
10. Teach the way Jesus taught His disciples.
And He appointed twelve,
so that they would be with Him . . .
Mark 3:14a NASB
When Jesus taught that way, He was teaching the same way that God told the Israelites to teach their children hundreds of years before. Our Father told the Israelites to take His words “to heart and to soul.”
Children are taking the words they hear into their hearts and souls. As a homeschooling mama, you have the opportunity to make sure those words are good for your children’s hearts and souls.