"I left college and entered the big world owing more than I can express to the training I had received, especially in my own home, but with much else also to learn if I were to become really fitted to do my part in the world that lay ahead for the generation of Americans to which I belonged."
- Theodore Roosevelt Jr.
Love your children deeply and try in every way you can imagine to show them your love is true.
Take parenting seriously but have a blast while you do.
Find out what fascinates you children and give them opportunities to explore those interests.
Take your children to wonderful places, even if they are only a few minutes or hours away.
Teach your children to serve others.
Provide lots of great books and time in your children's schedule to read them.
Spend time in God's Creation.
Give your children the opportunity to spend the bulk of their time with their very own family:
mama and daddy and brothers and sisters and extended family.
Learn to get along with your husband or wife, despite your differences,
even if other people are going to war over those very same differences.
Find ways to help your children with their special needs – physical, mental, or emotional.
Teach your children’s hearts and souls, as well as their minds, and pay close attention to their character.
Live lives of joy and service and purpose and faith that your children can emulate.